last week, ade Bengkel berkenaan Special olympics yang telah dianjurkan oleh pihak USMKK dan diketuai oleh mdm.Vina( lecturer SPort Sc) selama 3hari bermula pada 20-22Mac 2010 yang bertajuk "Right to Play: Special Olympics in Kelantan" dimana semua guru-guru dari sekolah-sekolah khas kelantan dan pihak dr PDK telah ramai-ramai dtg menyertai program ini. mereka semua telah diajar dan dilatih untuk mengetahui secara mendalam tentang sukan-sukan yang terlibat dalam peljar-pelajar/ anak-anak istimewa. antaranya ialah sukan di padang, seperti lumba lari, bermain bola, membaling bola, bocce game, dan sbgnya. sepanjang hari bengkel, saya dapat bnyak ilmu baru dan pengalaman yang menarik kerana dapat belajar bagaimana bermain, mengira skor dan belajar teknik-teknik untuk bermainan game bocce.
Bocce ialah sejenis permainan dimana kita dikehendaki bermain di dalam gelanggang. terdapat 6biji bola dan 1 biji palinna.

so below are the ways how to play Bocce Ball:
This ancient game, whose modern adaptation most closely resembles bowling, requires skill, strategy and just a little luck. Bocce ball is a great game to play outside on a beautiful day. It is highly popular among seniors, but youths are sure to enjoy this accuracy game.
Step 1
Find a flat, level playing surface (packed dirt, gravel or grass are ideal). A regulation bocce court is 76 feet long and 10 feet wide.
Step 2
Divide players into two teams of one, two or four players each. Each team gets four balls, divided equally among the players.
Step 3
Have a player from the starting team stand behind the foul line (which is 10 feet from the throwing end of the court) and throw the small ball, or "pallina," toward the opposite end of the playing surface.
Step 4
Let the player then throw one of the larger balls, or "boccia," trying to get it as close to the pallina as possible without touching it.
Step 5
Have players from the opposing team take turns throwing their balls until one of the balls stops closer to the pallina than the starting player's ball. If they fail to do so, the starting team tries to outdo its first attempt.
Step 6
Let the starting players take their second turn if the opposing team gets closer to the pallina than the starting team without using all of their balls.
Step 7
Continue in this fashion until all eight balls have been thrown. The team with the closest ball gets one point for each of its balls that are closer to the pallina than the other team's closest ball.
Step 8
Keep in mind that if the two teams' closest balls are an equal distance from the pallina, no points are awarded.
Step 9
End the frame after all eight balls have been thrown and appropriate points have been awarded. The scoring team begins the next frame. If no team previously scored, the team that threw the pallina last begins the next frame.
Step 10
Play as many frames as needed until one team has a total score of 16 points.
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