Berapakah berat badan saya sekarang?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


today class was with special person En.Rusdi Osman, from Kelantan's wheelchair Society. He explain and share his experience on wheelchair sport. he is the person with big heart and has his own perspective in future about wheelchair sport.
He was a wheelchair tennis player for about 6years. he has been involve with wheelchair for 20years after he had an accident. he said that being a disability is not an easy and simply but we have to motivate, encouraged and highly patient with people and surrounding.
he also mentioned about the specification criteria that we as a sport endorsement must to notify:
1)keluasan pintu sekurang-kurangnya 35inches(kelebaran)
2)panjang Ram hendaklh 3kali lebih daripada ketinggian sesuatu ram tersebut
3)menyediakan tandas dengan keluasan lebih kurang 7x7kaki dan mempunyai toilet bowl yang jenis duduk
4)menyediakan kemudahan untuk bersukan contohnya: jenis kerusi roda mengikut acara sesuatu jenis sukan
5)mengetahui peraturan-peraturan sukan mengikut international standard.

video of athletes with disabilities compete in wheelchair sport:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

get party...

today is 4th April 2010.. we were having a good time with all friends at YOKUK and all colleges play and eating together.

8.30am: we go to YOKUK by USM mini bus
9.00am: we arrived.
9.10am: we chit chat with the buddy and prepare for the activity
9.30am: aerobic dance
10.00am: telematch
11.00am: eating satay,fried mee hoon, sandwich, kueh and tart(special from penang)
11.30am: play football and volley ball
11.45am: went to bundle shop in yokuk
12.00pm: went back to USM

Monday, March 29, 2010

Special Olympics

last week, ade Bengkel berkenaan Special olympics yang telah dianjurkan oleh pihak USMKK dan diketuai oleh mdm.Vina( lecturer SPort Sc) selama 3hari bermula pada 20-22Mac 2010 yang bertajuk "Right to Play: Special Olympics in Kelantan" dimana semua guru-guru dari sekolah-sekolah khas kelantan dan pihak dr PDK telah ramai-ramai dtg menyertai program ini. mereka semua telah diajar dan dilatih untuk mengetahui secara mendalam tentang sukan-sukan yang terlibat dalam peljar-pelajar/ anak-anak istimewa. antaranya ialah sukan di padang, seperti lumba lari, bermain bola, membaling bola, bocce game, dan sbgnya. sepanjang hari bengkel, saya dapat bnyak ilmu baru dan pengalaman yang menarik kerana dapat belajar bagaimana bermain, mengira skor dan belajar teknik-teknik untuk bermainan game bocce.

Bocce ialah sejenis permainan dimana kita dikehendaki bermain di dalam gelanggang. terdapat 6biji bola dan 1 biji palinna.

so below are the ways how to play Bocce Ball:

This ancient game, whose modern adaptation most closely resembles bowling, requires skill, strategy and just a little luck. Bocce ball is a great game to play outside on a beautiful day. It is highly popular among seniors, but youths are sure to enjoy this accuracy game.


Step 1

Find a flat, level playing surface (packed dirt, gravel or grass are ideal). A regulation bocce court is 76 feet long and 10 feet wide.
Step 2

Divide players into two teams of one, two or four players each. Each team gets four balls, divided equally among the players.
Step 3

Have a player from the starting team stand behind the foul line (which is 10 feet from the throwing end of the court) and throw the small ball, or "pallina," toward the opposite end of the playing surface.
Step 4

Let the player then throw one of the larger balls, or "boccia," trying to get it as close to the pallina as possible without touching it.
Step 5

Have players from the opposing team take turns throwing their balls until one of the balls stops closer to the pallina than the starting player's ball. If they fail to do so, the starting team tries to outdo its first attempt.
Step 6

Let the starting players take their second turn if the opposing team gets closer to the pallina than the starting team without using all of their balls.
Step 7

Continue in this fashion until all eight balls have been thrown. The team with the closest ball gets one point for each of its balls that are closer to the pallina than the other team's closest ball.
Step 8

Keep in mind that if the two teams' closest balls are an equal distance from the pallina, no points are awarded.
Step 9

End the frame after all eight balls have been thrown and appropriate points have been awarded. The scoring team begins the next frame. If no team previously scored, the team that threw the pallina last begins the next frame.
Step 10

Play as many frames as needed until one team has a total score of 16 points.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Adapted activities and games for the elderly

Pada 15th March 2010, ada praktikal tentang aktiviti dan senaman yang sesuai untuk orang yang berusia iaitu 55tahun dan keatas. pada hari tersebut, kami telah ditugaskan oleh Dr Ooi untuk mencipta senaman yang sesuai bagi orang yang berumur. Sebelum bermulanya aktiviti, kami telah membuat senaman regangan yang telah di ketuai oleh Freddy
Kumpulan saya iaitu terdiri daripada saya, Azah, Su dan Tun telah membuat "Aerobic Step Board". Intensiti yg kami beri hanyalah rendah dan perlahan. ia amat sesuai dengan mereka yang telah berumur tetapi masih inginkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang mengeluarkan peluh dan dapat maintainkan kesihatan kardiovaskular.
kemudian ialah group Hazirah iaitu terdiri daripada Hazirah,Juliana dan Atiqah. kumpulan mereka telah membuat senaman Qi-Gong. Antara teknik yang telah di ajar ialah Modan Tien iaitu sangat bagus untuk peredaran darah dan sebagainyer.
Kumpulan seterusnya membuat aktiviti lain-lain. kumpulan Aidi yg terdiri daripada aidi,freddy,zuhaili dan khairu telah mengajar untuk membuat senaman daya tahan dengan menggunakan dumbell. Seterusnya kumpulan Zana iaitu terdiri daripada Zana,Fawaz,Tj dan Cj. mereka telah membuat senaman daya tahan juga tetapi dengan menggunakan japan dumbel dengan beberapa teknik yg telah di arahkan oleh mereka. Setelah itu, sebelum kami selesai, Dr Ooi juga telah mngajar beberapa teknik dalam senaman Qi-Gong dimana menggunakan pergerakan badan yg dapat meningtkan peredaran darah, pembuangan angin serta motor skill seseorg.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Aktiviti pada minggu Pertama di YOKUK

Ini ialah gambar pada malam sebelum hendak pergi ke YOKUK. Kami telah berusaha mengutip botol-botol kosong di dalam Tong sampah di sekitar hostel murni dan nurani USm untuk membuat persediaan permainan Bowling bersama-sama kawan-kawan di YOKUK. Betapa malu bercampur excited nya kami sewaktu mengutip botol-botol di dalam longkang and tong sampah. tetapi kami tak kesah pown, asalkan plan kami untuk bermain bersama kawan-kawan kat san menjadi..hehehe

Aktiviti pertama selepas sesi suai kenal, kami telah mengajar mereka bermain bowling dengan menggantikan pin bOwling=botol plastik dan bola bowling= bola futsal. Semua pelatih-pelatih telah dibahagikan kepada 3kumpulan. setiap kumpulan mengandungi 4 org tetapi satu kumpulan terdapat 5org. Sebelum memulakan permainan, kami telah mengajar serta melatih mereka cara-cara bermain, melempar bola bowling dengan teknik yang betul serta mengajar untuk memberikan perhatian dan fokus semasa hendak mebuat lontaran bola. Tujuan kami membuat game Bowling kepada mereka ialah kerana ingin melihat balance badan setiap individu, ketangkasan mempelajari sesuatu, memfokus terhadap sesuatu kerja yang hendak di buat, mencapai target dengan menjatuhkan kesemua botol, mengimbangi badan semasa membuat balingan, serta kejituan balingan bola terhadap kesemua botol-botol itu.
Setelah tamat bermain, kami menari bersama dan didapati ade 2-3org daripada mereka yang sangat pandai dan suka menari.

rase penat & seronok.. :)

Lawatan ke rumah kengkawan istimewa(YOKUK)

on 25 feb 2010- pergi ke Yayasan Orang Kurang Upaya Kelantan(YOKUK)

Pertama Kali pergi ke YOKUK yang terletak di pengkalan chepa, iaitu terletak tidak jauh daripada USM kubang kerian untuk melawat serta membuat assessment kepada mereka di sana..Kumpulan saya terdiri daripada Azah,suzanawati dan rosmatunisah.

Pada pagi pertama kami tiba di sana, kami telah diringi oleh Atiqah iaitu salah seorg ahli daripada kumpulan yang sebelum ni telah datang ke YOKUk. Kami telah di kenalkan dengan salah seorg pegawai yang bertugas di sana iaitu kak Ina(bukan nama sebenar). kak ina telah membawa kami melawat kawasan sekitar dan memperkenalkan pelbagai alat untuk merawat kawan-kawan istomewa ini serta di sana terdapat bilik-bilik khas untuk mereka membuat ujian terhadap cognitive,sensory dan reaction terhadap sesuatu stimulasi. walaupun, rumah ini tidaklah seluas sekolah tetapi terdapat pelbagai alat yang mencukupi dan kemudahan-kemudahan bagi pelatih-pelatih disitu untuk belajar hidup seprti orang biasa.

kemudian, kami telah membuat sesi suai kenal bersama-sama pelatih-pelatih disana dan saya dapati mereka semua adalah amat senang untuk berkomunikasi dan peramah walaupun mereka kurang dari segi tertentu. Semasa kami melawat, hanya terdapat 13orang pelatih iaitu antara nama mereka ialah anip,hadi,syafiq,azmi,faizal,farah,azimah,farid,pidaei,lisa,sharul&shareza.
Setiap individu mempunyai masalah kesihatan masing-masing. majoritinya mereka nampak seperti orang normal cuma ada bebrapa orang saja yang tampak kekurangan mereka. Ada yang sindrom down, ada yang emotional disable, intellectual disable, sound impairment and ada yang autism. Daripada perbualan kami bersama mereka, kebanyakkan mereka adalah anak ke2 daripada 5 orang adik-beradik. Di waktu lapang, di sini mereka akan diajar menjahit, memasak, membaca,melukis dan bermain komputer. Mereka ini akan datang ke tempat latihan pada awal 8.30pg dan pulang pada jam 3ptg.
inilah sedikit sebanyak tentang kawan-kawan di YOKUK.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Serious Emotional Disturbances and & autism

Public Law 102-321 defines children with a serious emotional disturbance as those who are from birth to age of majority who have had a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder of sufficient duration to meet diagnostic criteria specified within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). For the individual to be deemed emotionally disturbed, it must be determined that the child's condition results in functional impairment, substantially interfering with one or more major life activities, such as the abilities to eat, bathe, and dress oneself, or the abilities to function effectively in social, familial, and educational contexts.
Autism is defined as a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three year.

Characteristics SED
  • Inappropriate types of behavior under normal circumstances, such as aggression or self-injurious behavior
  • Hyperactivity (short attention span, impulsiveness)
  • Withdrawal or a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression (failure to initiate interaction with others, retreat from exchanges or social interaction, excessive fear or anxiety)
  • Development of physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems
  • Immaturity (inappropriate crying, temper tantrums, poor coping skills)
  • An inability to build and maintain relationships with peers and teachers
  • Learning difficulties that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors (academically performing below grade level)

Characteristics Autism
Autism is a highly variable neurodevelopmental disorder that first appears during infancy or childhood, and generally follows a steady course without remission.Overt symptoms gradually begin after the age of six months, become established by age two or three years, and tend to continue through adulthood, although often in more muted form. It is distinguished not by a single symptom, but by a characteristic triad of symptoms: impairments in social interaction; impairments in communication; and restricted interests and repetitive behavior. Other aspects, such as atypical eating, are also common but are not essential for diagnosis.Autism's individual symptoms occur in the general population and appear not to associate highly, without a sharp line separating pathologically severe from common traits.

During this class, we have watched the video about the Autism child at the Multimedia roOM, library of Hamdan Tahir, USM kubang kerian kelantan.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blind and Deaf

According to International Blind Sports Federation(IBSA), for those with 20/200ft(6/18m) to total blindness after sight corrections made by glasses can participate in sports.

IBSA has determined three classes in international competition for blind and partially sighted athletes:

B1 - From no light perception in either eye to light perception, but inability to recognise the shape of a hand at any distance or in any direction.

B2 - From ability to recognise the shape of a hand to a visual acuity of 2/60 and/or visual field of less than 5 degrees.

B3 - From visual acuity above 2/60 to visual acuity of 6/60 and/or visual field of more than 5 degrees and less than 20 degrees.

People with Blind and are visually impaired usually recommended to participate in activities viz-:
-Wrestling, judo, tumbling, weight training
-Bowling, dart throwing, shuffle board
-Dance, gymnastics, roller skating, ice skating
-Swimming, water skiing, fishing, rowing, surfing
-Horseback riding, tandem cycling
-Most winter sports

while Deaf unlike the athletes in all other International Olympic Committee sanctioned games, including the Olympics, the Paralympics and the Special Olympics, the Deaflympians cannot be guided by starter’s guns, bullhorn commands or referee whistles. Nor can the majority of the athletes experience the crucial sense of inclusion in other general games because they cannot just strike up a conversation or in other ways communicate instantly or in a practical manner with their fellow hearing athletes.

Internationally governed by Comite International des Sports des Sourds (CISS)
stated taht is why the Summer and Winter Deaflympics have become so important to the worldwide deaf community and why they must and will continue to go on independently, while continuing their rapid growth in scope, size and importance. Increasingly, they also serve as a bridge between athletes brought up in the traditional schools for deaf children and the growing number of deaf athletes from mainstream educational institutions.

Unlike other games for athletes with disabilities, which are all directed by non-disabled officials, the Summer and Winter Deaflympics are run by deaf people for deaf athletes.

on 2nd March 2010, we having practical at lab and plays a blind's game and also learn how to play with visual impairment. Firstly, we were divided into 4groups which each pf the group have to guess what was the thing that Mdm Vina give to us. every each session, we have to alternate in group by be a blindness people, which we can only use our hearing,sense,smells and taste to answer according to Mdm Vina's question.
After that, we were play one game that required all team mates blind folded eye except one people can open his/her eye to give instructions to others member and complete the game in fastest time as they can. we have to put the ball into a basket in a certain distances apart. Later, we play a game that assigned us to bring all 6 special ball( ada loceng kat dalam) to the end of the distance without move or walk. We just lined-up and sit on the floor so that the last men can get all the 6 balls completely.
Then, lastly we play a blind ball game whereby the ball have to be goal and there were rules in this game. The ball cannot go above of waist height, cannot use leg to transfer ball, ball can change to others team if the ball drop out of the court line or other's team area. Point are counted if the ball goes in the goal post.
During this game, all members were blind and deaf. our ears were wearing the ear plug.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

assessment of APA

on 12 January 2010, we had a practical on motor skills. On that day, there are several test were been used for assessing jumping(one of the locomotor skills). We were group in pair and my partner was Fiza. So, I observe several types of jump,leap,hop,skip and gallop.

Assessing Jumping:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.Preparatory movement – flexion of both knees, arms extended behind the body
2.Arms extended forcefully forward and upward, reaching full extension above head
3.Take-off and landing on both feet simultaneously
4.Arms thrust downward during landing

As a normal children, they have learn jump at same time as mastery stair skill. Those who are
Mental Retardation, usually never learn to jump.

Assessing Hop:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.Foot of nonsupport leg remains behind the body
2.Nonsupport leg swings forward in pendular fashion to produce force
3.Arms bent at elbows and swing forward to produce force
4.Takes off and lands three consecutive times on preferred foot
5.Takes off and lands three consecutive times on non-preferred foot

These requires both static and dynamic balance.
on that day, we have tested also on other testing and games of hopping.
At normal average children, for 5 years old children usually they can hop 50 feet in 10 seconds
Rhythmic game
==>Hop 1/1 – hop first on right foot, then on the left foot
==>Hop 2/2 – hop twice on right foot, twice on left and so on
==>Hop 2/1 – hop twice on right foot, once on left foot, twice on right and so on
==>Hop 1/2 – hop once on right foot, twice on left foot, and so on

Performance assessed on a 4-point scale:
4 – Performs all tasks easily
3 – Can alter sides symmetrically
2 – Can hop on either foot at will; can alternate but cannot maintain rhythm
1 – Can perform only symmetrically

Assessing leap:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.Takeoff on one foot and land on the opposite foot
2.A period when both feet are off the ground (longer than running)
3.Forward reach with arm opposite the lead foot

Other criteria (older children):
-Full extension of back leg
-Pointed toes

These is an elementary/primary level of skill.

Assessing Gallop:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step with the trailing foot to a position adjacent to or behind the lead foot
2.Brief period when both feet are off the ground
3.Arms bent and lifted at waist level
4.Maintains a rhythmic pattern for four consecutive gallops

Gallop is a walk-leap pattern with same foots always leading done in forward and backward
direction in a long-short rhythm..
Gallop can be develop as early as 3years. Can gallop 8-10 steps with same foot landing between
60-71 months.

Assessing Skip:
Performance criteria (Not in TGMD-2):
1.A long-short rhythm of a step-hop on alternate feet (a step must take twice the time as the hop)
2.Foot of nonsupport leg carried near surface during hop phase
3.Arms alternately moving in opposition to legs at about waist level

Three levels of performance
Level 1 – shuffling or one-foot skipping
Level 2 – jerky and/or inconsistent skipping
Level 3 – mature, smooth, symmetrical, long-short foot action

Skip is a walk and hop, with alternate feet landing, in a long-short rhythm (longer walk, short
duration hop)
Normally, children(between 60-71 months) can skip 8-10 steps with mature foot action although
arm coordination only when 8 to 9 years old.

lastly, saya dapati after buat sumer test nih, secara purata kami boleh melakukan kesemua
jenis lompatan tersebut tetapi ade la junior kami dlm2-3 org yang ade masalah nk wat
gallop and hopping. serius kelakar tgk sumer kawan-kawan yang dah besar masing
masing buat lompatan..
ade yang cover2 cun.. hahahah