on 12 January 2010, we had a practical on motor skills. On that day, there are several test were been used for assessing jumping(one of the locomotor skills). We were group in pair and my partner was Fiza. So, I observe several types of jump,leap,hop,skip and gallop.
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.Preparatory movement – flexion of both knees, arms extended behind the body
2.Arms extended forcefully forward and upward, reaching full extension above head
3.Take-off and landing on both feet simultaneously
4.Arms thrust downward during landing
As a normal children, they have learn jump at same time as mastery stair skill. Those who are
Mental Retardation, usually never learn to jump.
Assessing Hop:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.Foot of nonsupport leg remains behind the body
2.Nonsupport leg swings forward in pendular fashion to produce force
3.Arms bent at elbows and swing forward to produce force
4.Takes off and lands three consecutive times on preferred foot
5.Takes off and lands three consecutive times on non-preferred foot
These requires both static and dynamic balance.
on that day, we have tested also on other testing and games of hopping.
At normal average children, for 5 years old children usually they can hop 50 feet in 10 seconds
Rhythmic game
==>Hop 1/1 – hop first on right foot, then on the left foot
==>Hop 2/2 – hop twice on right foot, twice on left and so on
==>Hop 2/1 – hop twice on right foot, once on left foot, twice on right and so on
==>Hop 1/2 – hop once on right foot, twice on left foot, and so on
Performance assessed on a 4-point scale:
4 – Performs all tasks easily
3 – Can alter sides symmetrically
2 – Can hop on either foot at will; can alternate but cannot maintain rhythm
1 – Can perform only symmetrically
Assessing leap:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.Takeoff on one foot and land on the opposite foot
2.A period when both feet are off the ground (longer than running)
3.Forward reach with arm opposite the lead foot
Other criteria (older children):
-Full extension of back leg
-Pointed toes
These is an elementary/primary level of skill.
Assessing Gallop:
Performance criteria (Ulrich, 2000):
1.A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step with the trailing foot to a position adjacent to or behind the lead foot
2.Brief period when both feet are off the ground
3.Arms bent and lifted at waist level
4.Maintains a rhythmic pattern for four consecutive gallops
Gallop is a walk-leap pattern with same foots always leading done in forward and backward
direction in a long-short rhythm..
Gallop can be develop as early as 3years. Can gallop 8-10 steps with same foot landing between
60-71 months.
Assessing Skip:
Performance criteria (Not in TGMD-2):
1.A long-short rhythm of a step-hop on alternate feet (a step must take twice the time as the hop)
2.Foot of nonsupport leg carried near surface during hop phase
3.Arms alternately moving in opposition to legs at about waist level
Three levels of performance
Level 1 – shuffling or one-foot skipping
Level 2 – jerky and/or inconsistent skipping
Level 3 – mature, smooth, symmetrical, long-short foot action
Skip is a walk and hop, with alternate feet landing, in a long-short rhythm (longer walk, short
duration hop)
Normally, children(between 60-71 months) can skip 8-10 steps with mature foot action although
arm coordination only when 8 to 9 years old.
lastly, saya dapati after buat sumer test nih, secara purata kami boleh melakukan kesemua
jenis lompatan tersebut tetapi ade la junior kami dlm2-3 org yang ade masalah nk wat
gallop and hopping. serius kelakar tgk sumer kawan-kawan yang dah besar masing
masing buat lompatan..
ade yang cover2 cun.. hahahah