today class was with special person En.Rusdi Osman, from Kelantan's wheelchair Society. He explain and share his experience on wheelchair sport. he is the person with big heart and has his own perspective in future about wheelchair sport.
He was a wheelchair tennis player for about 6years. he has been involve with wheelchair for 20years after he had an accident. he said that being a disability is not an easy and simply but we have to motivate, encouraged and highly patient with people and surrounding.
he also mentioned about the specification criteria that we as a sport endorsement must to notify:
1)keluasan pintu sekurang-kurangnya 35inches(kelebaran)
2)panjang Ram hendaklh 3kali lebih daripada ketinggian sesuatu ram tersebut
3)menyediakan tandas dengan keluasan lebih kurang 7x7kaki dan mempunyai toilet bowl yang jenis duduk
4)menyediakan kemudahan untuk bersukan contohnya: jenis kerusi roda mengikut acara sesuatu jenis sukan
5)mengetahui peraturan-peraturan sukan mengikut international standard.
video of athletes with disabilities compete in wheelchair sport:http://abclocal.go.com/wls/video?id=7302751